
eDetailing ​

E-Detailing is considered a revolutionary change for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. E-Detailing can be utilized to streamline the workflow of your sales representatives and make paperless detailing an easier and faster process.

Enablr’s e-Detailing platform offers pharmacists and healthcare companies a way to deliver high value products online. The online presentation allows users to create a tailored experience based on their specific interests by tagging the content, filtering and highlighting information from common Medtech topics like trends, ethical issues and more.

What is eDetailing?

eDetailing is an important trend that has elevated the sales techniques, and companies dealing with pharmaceuticals and healthcare industries have adapted to eDetailing. This has made it possible for companies to convey their messages in a more efficient manner.

Approachable innovation

eDetailing is a tool to ensure that your e-content becomes easily accessible to anybody viewing it. You can take your booklets anywhere, anytime and even use them on an iPad or tablet. No more carrying the large booklets around.

Better Structure of conversation

The most important part of your sales pitch is your structure. E-Detailing allows you to achieve the best structure and confidence while at the same time helping you in achieving better sales pitches.

How eDetailing conquered traditional detailing method

Previously, pharmaceutical companies have only communicated through printed brochures and booklets. With the arrival of eDetailing techniques in the pharmaceutical sector, sales and representation got easier and organized. The traditional method of detailing required a representative to visit a doctor personally to show their booklets with information charts. Now, manufacturers can feel free to use e-detailing techniques due to the fact that it doesn’t require any extra labor as well as costs that are much cheaper than what was previously done.

Cost and time reduction

eDetailing is a service that helps you reduce time and cost significantly and hence ensures a better profit margin. With E-Detailing, you don’t have to waste money on traveling to the individual physicians and explaining your products.
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